Messed Jokes / Recent Jokes

your momma teeth is so yellow she has a job at the movie theatre spitting on pop corn
your momma teeth is so yellow when she closses her mouth her belly lights up
your momma teeth so messed up it looked like her tounge was in alkatraz
your momma teeth so messed up when she smiles it looks like piano key

One day Timmy came home from school very excited... "Mommy, Mommy, guess what? Today in English I got all the way to the end of the alphabet, and everyone else got messed up around' P'!" His mother said, "Very good, dear. That's because you're a bari player."
The next day, Timmy was even more excited. "Mommy, Mommy, guess what! Today in math I counted all the way to ten, but everyone else got messed up around seven!"
"Very good, dear," his mother replied. "That's because you're a bari player."
On the third day, Timmy was beside himself. "Mommy, Mommy, today we measured ourselves and I'm the tallest one in my class! Is that because I'm a bari player?"
"No dear," she said. "That's because you're 27 years old."

Your mama's teeth are so messed up....i thought her tongue was in jail!

Q: What did the seismologist say when he messed up?
A: It's not my fault.

Your so messed up... I Seen Bent circles straiter than you.