Jeans Jokes / Recent Jokes

What do you call a dog in jeans and a sweater? A plain clothes police dog!

After taking a walk through my local mall I've noticed that certain people shouldn't be wearing certain things.
For instance, if your ass crack is bigger than the thong you are wearing you shouldn't be wearing low rise jeans to show it off. And if you can't even find your belly button don't even bother wearing a belly shirt.

1. Quarters are gold. 2. Two meals per day is the standard. 3. Road trip whenever possible. 4. Going to the mailbox was never an ego booster/breaker before. 5. You will begin to nap again. 6. Your bookstore bill will almost equal tuition. 7. Squirt guns = Stress relief. 8. Instant messenger becomes an addiction. 9. E-mail becomes your second language 10. College students throw paper airplanes too. 11. You never realized that so many people were smarter than you. 12. College football is the coolest thing on the planet. 13. Western Europe could be wiped out by a horrible plague and you wouldn't know, but you can recite last week's re-run of The 70's Show verbatim. 14. Cartoons are for all ages. 15. Disney movies are more than just classics. 16. You will never rent/buy more movies in your life. 17. No one is too old for video games. 18. Procrastination is an art form. 19. SNOOD is more addicting than pot. 20. Thanks to Kazaa/Audiogalaxy/Morpheus, you will never listen to any of your CDs more...

A young man walks into a singles bar with a roll of quarters taped inside the crotch of his jeans. He looks around, then sits next to the most attractive woman there. He was very pleased with himself after he noticed her constantly glancing down at his crotch. "Hi, there, I'm Jerry," he said, as he went into one of his well rehearsed routines, "and I help produce a T. V. quiz show. Is there any question I can answer for you?" "As a matter of fact there is," she said as she glanced down once more toward his embellished jeans. "Do you have change for a dollar?"

Een oogverblindende blondine loopt door de stad in een werkelijk adembenemend strakke jeans. Ze wordt staande gehouden door een sympathieke dertiger die haar vraagt: Jongedame, neem me niet kwalijk dat ik je stoor, maar ik moet het gewoon weten, hoe komt een mens in hemelsnaam in die broek?
Ach, antwoordt zij glimlachend, als je eens begint om een drankje aan te bieden.

It ain't the jeans that make your butt look fat.

A lovely young thing was walking down the King's Road in Chelsea, wearing the tightest pair of jeans you ever saw.
A young man approached her and said, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how on earth does anyone get into jeans like that?"
"Well," she said, "you could start by buying me a Martini!"