Horses Jokes / Recent Jokes

Two blondes went to the market where they each bought a horse. When they got home, they were discussing how they would tell their horses apart. They decided to cut the tail off of one. That worked for a short time, but the tail grew back, so they decided they would break one of the horses' legs.
One of the blondes looked at the other and asked, "Which one of the horses should we break the leg of, the white one or the brown one?"

Santa and Banta had just bought two horses. Now the problem was that they could not differenciate between the two horses. So, one day Santa cuts the left ear of his horse, so that it is easy to know that it is his horse. While doing so, an enemy of Santa looks at him. This enemy also cuts the left ear of banta. By doing so santa and banta come in confusion to differenciate. So, next thing santa keeps on cutting his horse`s right ear, then his tail, then makes him blind and so on. And the enemy also kept on doing so with banta`s horse. At last Santa`s horse had no legs left and banta`s horse was with one leg only. The enemy also went and cut banta`s horse one leg. So, in the morning it was the same sitaution, How to diffrenciate thier horses. So, after thinking and putting lots of effort to thier mind - Santa said - O. K You keep the black one and i will keep the white.

Two blondes went to the market. While they were there, they each bought a horse. When they got home, they discussed how to tell their horses apart. They decided to cut the tail off of one. That worked for a while, but soon the tail grew back, so they decided that they would break one of the horses' legs. One of the blondes said, "Which of the horses should we break the leg off of, the brown one or the white one?"

Today is one of the first Father's Days of our new millennium. Fathers of 1900 didn't have it nearly as good as fathers of today; but they did have a few advantages: In 1900, fathers prayed their children would learn English. Today, fathers pray their children will speak English.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 1900, a father's horsepower meant his horses. Today, it's the size of his minivan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 1900, if a father put a roof over his family's head, he was a success. Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage. And that's just the vacation home.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 1900, a father waited for the doctor to tell him when the baby arrived. Today, a father must wear a smock, know how to breathe, and make sure film is in the video more...

Once Santa And Banta Bought 2 Horses. But They Were Very Confused. They Were Troubled Because They Could Not Recognise Their Horses. After Some Time Santa Hit Upon An Idea. He Said That He Would Cut The Tail Of His Horse. Banta Said O. K. But Banta Had The Disease Of Night Walking. He Got Up In Night And Cut The Tail Of His Own Horse Too. In The Morning Both Of Them Were Surprised To See That The Tail Of Bantas Horse Wetre Notthere. Then Tehy Were Agin Troubled. Thistime Santa Had The Idea To Cut The Legs Of His Horse. But That Idea Also Failed. Then Both Of Them Started Thinking Seriously. Then Banta Said That, "I Have An Idea". Santa Asked What. Then Banta Told Him That," I Will Take The Black Horse And You Will Take The White Horse

Jon bought two horses and could never remember which was which. A neighbor suggested that he cut the tail of one horse, so he could tell the difference. That worked great, until the other horse got his tail caught in a bush. It tore just right and ended up looking exactly like the other horse's tail, so he was stuck again.

The neighbor suggested Jon notch the ear of one horse. That worked fine, until the other horse caught his ear on a barbed wire fence. Once again, he couldn't tell them apart.

The neighbor suggested he measure the horses for height. When he did, he was very pleased to find that the white horse was 2 inches taller than the black horse.

What is a horses favourite kind of party? A stall ball.