Forgetful Jokes / Recent Jokes

Mr. Bell is an elderly man who resides in a nursing home. One day, he entered the nurses' office and advised Nurse Lewis that his penis had died.
Realizing that Mr. Bell was old and forgetful, Nurse Lewis decided to humor him and just play along. "It did? I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Bell," she said.
A couple of days later, Nurse Lewis noticed Mr. Bell walking down the hall with his penis hanging out of his pants.
"Mr. Bell, I thought you told me your penis had died," she said.
"It did," he replied. "Today is the viewing."

The man looked a little worried when the doctor came in to administer his annual physical, so the first thing the doctor did was to ask whether anything was troubling him.

"Well, to tell the truth, Doc, yes," answered the patient. "You see, I seem to be getting forgetful. I'm never sure I can remember where I put the car, or whether I answered a letter, or where I'm going, or what it is I'm going to do once I get there -- if I get there. So, I really need your help. What can I do?"

The doctor mused for a moment, then answered in his kindest tone, "Pay me in advance."

“George is so forgetful,” the sales manager complained to his secretary. “It's a wonder he can sell and I'm not sure he'll even remember to come back.”Just then the door flew open, and in bounced George. “You'll never guess what
happened!” he shouted. “While I was at lunch, I met Old Man Brown, who hasn't
bought anything from us for five years. Well, we got to talking and he gave me this
half-million dollar order!”“See,” sighed the sales manager to his secretary. “I told you he'd forget the

"George is so forgetful," the sales manager complained to his secretary. "It's a wonder he can sell and I'm not sure he'll even remember to come back."

Just then the door flew open, and in bounced George. "You'll never guess what happened!" he shouted. "While I was at lunch, I met Old Man Brown, who hasn't bought anything from us for five years. Well, we got to talking and he gave me this half-million dollar order!"

"See," sighed the sales manager to his secretary. "I told you he'd forget the sandwiches."

“George is so forgetful, ” the sales manager complained to his secretary. “It's a wonder he can sell and I'm not sure he'll even remember to come back. ”
Just then the door flew open, and in bounced George. “You'll never guess what
happened! ” he shouted. “While I was at lunch, I met Old Man Brown, who hasn't
bought anything from us for five years. Well, we got to talking and he gave me this
half-million dollar order! ”
“See, ” sighed the sales manager to his secretary. “I told you he'd forget the
sandwiches. ”