Difference Jokes / Recent Jokes

My wife says that the difference between a husband and childbirth is that one can be terribly painful and sometimes almost unbearable while the other is just having a baby.

What is the difference between O.J. Simpson and the Lion King?
One's an African Lion and the other is a Lying African,

Q: What is the difference between a plate and a booger?
A: The plate is on the table, but the booger is under the table.
Q: What is the difference between a prince and a booger?
A: The prince is the heir to the throne, but the booger is thrown to the air.

What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.

The difference between theory and practice. .. is larger in practice than in theory.

How do Chinese name their kids? They throw pots and pans down the stairs *Ping, pong, pang* Did you hear about the Chinese girl who won the lottery? She has one fortunate cookie... What do you call a Filipino Contortionist A manila folder. What do you call a Filipino walking a poodle? A Gourmet How do you Filipino The same way you Pakistani. What's the difference between a pot of lobsters and a group of Japanese tourists who've just been run over by a steamroller? There's no difference, they're all crustaceans ("crushed Asians"). What's yellow and goes "cheep, cheep"? A Chinese prostitute. What do you get if you cross a Black whore with a Chinese? A maid that sucks your shirts. What do you get when you cross an Abo with a Chinaman? A car thief who can't drive. What do you call a fat Chinaman? A Chunk. What is the title of the new Vietnamese cookbook 100 Ways to Cook Your Dog What did the mongoloid say to his dog? Down syndrome!! What do a lobster and an Asian run more...

Q What is the difference between God and an orthopedic surgeon
A God dosn't think he is an orthopedic surgeon.