Choosing Jokes / Recent Jokes

When Choosing A Mate, Compare These Other Professionals To Computer Programmers
Supposedly, all women are after a Doctor, so don't expect your relationship to last more than 5 years. Eventually, he'll run off with some nurse from his office, or one of his young women patients who is pretending to be sick. He'll wait until you are stuck with a few kids to do this.
This is not a problem with your programmer husband. He had a hard enough time meeting you. It is unlikely he'll ever meet another woman in his profession.
Do you seriously expect an honest, trusting relationship with someone who gets paid for lying?
Once again, this is not a problem with your programmer spouse. He doesn't have enough social skills to lie convincingly. An additional drawback to marrying a lawyer is when the divorce happens you will get nothing.
See honesty segment under Lawyer. Plus, he will be traveling to trade shows, etc, where he will be in the more...

Choosing a baby's sex is about to be outlawed in Britain. Choosing to straighten the baby's teeth will remain optional.