Barack Obama Jokes / Recent Jokes

Fortunately, there were no embarrassing moments at this dinner unlike a few years ago when George Bush asked India's prime minister how he would like his steak cooked.

After President Obama's encounter with a common housefly, Secret Sevice agents were ordered to install mosquito nets on all beds in the White House. *** In a related story, Sarah Palin invited Obama to a barbecue to draw the flies away from the food!

Joe Biden gave the toast prior to the meal so it wound up being a state breakfast instead.

Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the first Army four-star general of Japanese-American ancestry has been named President-elect Obama's Veterans Affairs secretary. Obama said he chose him even though he was offended that Shineski kept calling him "Balack."

The Obama White House is addicted to the word “unprecedented.” Obama has relied on “unprecedented” in more than 90 instances, using the word at least 129 times in everything from major addresses to small speeches, statements, memorandums and proclamations. Bush used the word 262 times in 8 years. Do you think this unprecedented use of the word "unprecedented" constitutes an unprecedented unpleasant President precedent?
Look for the use of “New and Improved” coming from Obama soon!

Obama spared Courage an appearance before a death panel.

Michael Moore swtiched his endorsement from Hillary to Barack this week, citing his better national foodcare policy.

The announcement took over 2 hours, as Moore doesn't like to talk with his mouth full.