Arrive Jokes / Recent Jokes

1. Rather than milk and cookies, leave him a salad, and a note stating that you think he could stand to lose a few pounds.
2. While he's in your house, find his sleigh and write him a speeding ticket.
3. Leave him a note saying you're away on holidays and asking if he would mind watering your plants.
4. While he's in your house, replace all his reindeer with exact replicas, then wait and see what happens when he tries to get them to fly.
5. Keep an angry bull in your living room. If you think a bull goes wild when he sees a little red cape, just wait until he sees that big, red, Santa suit.
6. Throw a surprise party for him when he comes down the chimney and refuse to let him leave until the strippers arrive.
7. While he's still in your house, find his sleigh and sit in it. When he comes back out and sees you, tell him he never should have missed that last payment, and take off.
8. Leave a plate filled with freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk out, more...

Festivity Level One
Your guests are sitting around chatting, nibbling the party food, sipping their drinks. They are admiring your Christmas tree ornaments and stand around the piano singing carols.
Festivity Level Two
Your guests are talking loudly, occasionally to one another. They are wolfing down the food, gulping their drinks, rearranging your Christmas ornaments and sitting on the piano singing "I Gotta Be Me."
Festivity Level Three
Your guests are holding conversations with inanimate objects, gulping other peoples' drinks, wolfing down Christmas ornaments and dancing around the piano shouting the words to "I Can't Get No Satisfaction".
Festivity Level Four
Your guests, food smeared across their naked bodies, are capering around the burning Christmas tree in some unholy ritual. The piano is missing.
Unless you rent your home, or own heavy firearms, you generally don't want your parties operating above Level Three. The true test more...

A Russian man saves his rubles for twenty years to buy a new car.

After choosing the model and options he wants, he's not the least bit surprised or even concerned to learn that it will take two years for the new car to be delivered.

He thanks the salesman and starts to leave, but as he reaches the door he pauses and turns back to the salesman "Do you know which week two years from now the new car will arrive?" he asks.

The salesman checks his notes and tells the man that it will be two years to the exact week.

The man thanks the salesman and starts out again, but upon reaching the door, he turns back again.
"Could you possibly tell me what day of the week two years from now the car will arrive?"

The salesman, mildly annoyed, checks his notes again and says that it will be exactly two years from this week, on Thursday. The man thanks the salesman and once again starts to leave.

Halfway though more...

There is a lot of talk about the United Nations creating a combined strike force with troops from several nations included in it.
Could it work? Let's take a look at one operation.
A combined force beach landing on a tropical island. When the troops hit the beach.
The Royal Marines go fishing.
The US Marines wait for CNN to arrive.
The French don't care whose beach it is; it's French territory now!
The Canadians watch the Americans very closely, then offer to guard their landing strip.
The Dutch have a beach party and smoke some dope saying the English don't understand them.
The Italians go sunbathing.
The Germans land and build a car factory.
The West Indians go looking for the Dutch.
The Austrians just watch the Russians and Germans.
The Chinese win the natives hearts and minds then kill them.
The SEALs arrive after dark and kill anyone who is not a SEAL.
The Aussies and Kiwis land then start fighting each other over a more...

There was an expectant father who had spent quite some time waiting for the offspring to arrive - at his in-laws' place.
As his leave balance had gone into the red, he tells his father-in-law, "When my son comes, do not call up my office and say that I have become a father of a boy because I'll have to shell out a lot for parties. Just leave me a message that the clock has arrived. This will be our code for the arrival of the baby."
The offspring does finally arrive one day, but it's a daughter. The father-in-law now thinks to himself, "If I tell him that the clock has not arrived, he'll misunderstand and think that something has happened to the baby and come rushing over."
So the father-in-law left the following message: "The clock has arrived, but the pendulum is missing."

1. You always know if you are the first one to open a beer.
2. A beer never gets jealous if you grab another beer.
3. A beer never gets angry if you arrive smelling of beer.
4. The colder a beer, the better.
5. You can always share a beer with your friends.
6. A beer does not get upset if you arrive at 3 a. m.
7. You can choose a beer from a box, and if you change your
mind, you can pick another one.

Once Santa Singh and his two friends went to the station to catch a local train. Santa: When will the next train to Kalyan arrive?
Stranger: In about ten minutes.
Santa(To his friends): Let us go and have a cup of coffee.
They miss the train because they are very busy with their coffee. Santa: When will the next train arrive?
Stranger: In about ten minutes.
Santa: Let us have another cup of coffee.
This time two of them catch the train but one Santa falls on the track. He starts laughing and a crowd gathers. A girl from the crowd asks: Why are you laughing.
Santa: Those two had come to leave me. I had to go.