Andrew "Drew" Burch's Jokes


Dear founders of FaceBook.
Please develop a sister application called FaceNovel for all of those who take it a step to far.

Andrew "Drew" Burch Comedy

In efforts to keep with a great product line, we are now offering a new inexpensive Tampon. We know it won't be the best so our slogan will be as follows:

Our Tampons may not be #1 but, we're still up there!

Her: But, I love you..
Me: You don't know how to love...
Her: Yes I do...!
Me: Really, please explain...
Her: I want to share everything with you... My deepest secrets...
Me: What? Your Cervix?
Her: Fuck you!
Me: Exactly!

I was hard at work the other day and I was thinking to myself....

If I had a girlfriend, would I still be "hard" at work?

What do Taco Bell and your period have in common?
They are both great, even late!