"Russian Genie" joke

A Russian is strolling down the street in Moscow and kicks a
bottle laying in the street. Suddenly out of the bottle comes
a genie.
The Russian is stunned and the Genie says, "Hello Master, I
will grant you one wish, anything that you want."
The Russian begins thinking, "Well I really like drinking
vodka." Finally the Russian says, "I wish to drink vodka
whenever I want, so make me piss vodka."
The Genie grants him his wish. When the Russian gets home
he gets a glass out of the cupboard and pisses into it. He
looks at the glass and it's clear. Looks like vodka. Then he
smells the liquid. Smells like vodka. So he takes a test and
it is the best vodka
that he has ever tasted.
The Russian yells to his wife, "Natasha, Natasha, come
She comes running down the hall and the Russian takes
another glass out of the cupboard and pisses into it. He
tells her to drink, that it is vodka. Natasha is reluctant
but goes ahead and takes a sip. It is the best vodka that she
has ever tasted. The two drink and party all night.
The next night the Russian comes home from work and tells
his wife to get two glasses out of the cupboard. He proceeds
to piss in the two glasses. The result is the same, the
vodka is excellent and the couple drink
until the sun comes up.
Finally, Friday night comes and the Russian tells his wife
to grab one glass from the cupboard and we will
drink vodka.
She gets the glass but asks him "Boris, why do we only need
one glass?" Boris raises the glass and says, "Because
tonight my love, you drink from the bottle."

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