"Maori falla at school" joke

Maori falla " Me miss!?"
English Teacher, "You! yes you?" "How many seconds are there in one minute?" Whole class puts their hands up. Miss! Miss! I know!
Maori falla " rrrrrrrr ummmmmmm rrr "60 Miss! 60 seconds in one minute Miss?"
English Teacher " Well done. Now how many seconds are there in one hour?" Whole class raises hands again.
Maori falla " errrrrr .... ummmmm .... six!! carry the ...errrrrrr ... put the zero....... errrrrr..... ummmmmmm!!!.....how many seconds!!?...
English Teacher " Well!?"
Maori falla " Nearly had it Miss!? ummmmmmm .....hmmmmm.. errrrrrrr ..... Got it Miss!!!! 3600 seconds Miss! 3600 seconds in one hour?"
English Teacher "Very good, well done. Now i will give you a minute or two to answer this last question just do your best ok!?"
Maori fallla " Very good Miss?"
English Teacher " Ok! How many seconds are there in one year? Just answer as best you can?"
No hands go up this time except the Maori fallas.
Maori falla" Miss! Miss! thats simple i know the answer to that one?"
English Teacher rather astounded "Is that correct!? What is the answer then?"
Maori falla with a big grin on his face," It's 12! the answer is 12 Miss! 12 seconds in one year?"
English Teacher nearly in shock now. " 12 seconds in one year!!! How on earth did you arrive at that answer!?"
Maori falla " Easy Miss! 2nd of January ..2nd of February ....2nd of March.....

All you want for Christmas is a hairline!


A couple of women were playing golf one sunny Saturday morning. The first of the twosome teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole.
Indeed, the ball hit one of the men, and he immediately clasped his hands more...


you need to shut up with your 1 2 3 way back hairline.


your hairline so far back i thought u went bald in 3rd grade


A Sri Lankan is calmly having his breakfast when an American, typically chewing gum, sits down beside him. The Sri Lankan ignores the American who begins to chat:

The American: Do you eat that bread-entirely?
The Sri Lankan: Of course!
The American: We do more...

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