"How to Have Fun in a Courtroom" joke

The big list of fun stuff to do in that boring ol' courtroom of law...
1. Bring a cell phone and order a pizza when the judge starts talking.
2. Bring a zip-lock bag full of grapes and launch a few at the defendant when the judge isn't looking.
3. Giggle uncontrollably when they show the evidence, if any blood is present.
4. If they ever bring up the possibility of an accomplice, duck your head and quiver.
5. Stand up and yell "OBJECTION!" to everything the judge says. EVERYTHING.
6. If you're the defendant, wait until the judge starts talking about you. Proceed to hide under your table.
7. If anybody attempts to communicate with you in any way, stare off into space and blow spit bubbles.
8. Sing "The Song That Never Ends" incessantly.
9. Get the judge to look at you. Lick your lips and motion that you'll "call him/her."
10. Actually call him/her.
11. Bring a kazoo.
12. Act like you're doing something important, and ask them to "keep it down."
13. Every time the judge uses the gavel, keel over backwards and act like you've been shot.
14. Bring a Gameboy and turn the sound up as far as it will go.
15. Wait until everybody is completely focused on the trial, then blow a referee's whistle as loud as you can. Point to the person next to you and tell him to "stop it!"
16. Pretend you turn into a pig when you get wet. Douse yourself in cold water and act like one.
17. Call the judge a wuss when he issues the death penalty. When he accuses you of contempt of the court, look puzzled and ask him what it means. When he answers, object.
18. Dress up like Santa Claus.
19. Drink all of your lawyer's water, then ask for more. Then ask to go to the bathroom.
20. Hiccup every time somebody says the word "the."
21. Change your plea every five minutes.
22. If you're the judge, call the defendant the plaintiff, the plaintiff a lawyer, the witness a juror, and the jurors defendants. Call the lawyers "Barney."
23. Gurgle into the microphone.
24. Complain aloud about that nasty wedgie you have, then take a poll of others in the audience if they too have a nasty wedgie.
25. If in traffic court, when asked to stand, walk over to the judge and issue him a parking ticket on his desk.
26. When asked to produce evidence, pick your nose, smear the snot on the table, point to it and say, "From this it is obvious, I am not guilty!"
27. Wear those X-Ray vision glasses from Halloween, when someone walks past, stare them up and down then shake head in dismay.
28. Popcorn and a large coke, if anyone asks about it, show them your ticket and say "I'm a paying customer!".
29. Fart, pause momentarily, and comment under your breath, "I've done better..."
30. Fart again later on, take a deep breath and state enthusiastically "Now that's more like it!".
31. Bring a Lego replica of the courtroom, including Lego people, and imitate everything happening, including voices!
32. When pronounced guilty, reply "How about we try that again, this time Rock, Scissors, Paper - best of three!"
33. Bring toaster and wave a box of "Tropical Sprinkles Pop Tarts" around while asking "Where's a damn plug around here!"

2 Scousers are riding along the M62 from Manchester to Liverpool on a motorbike. They break down and start hitching a lift. A friendly trucker stops to see if he can help and the scousers ask him for a lift.
He tells them he has no room in the wagon as he is carrying 20, more...


Knock Knock
Who's there!
Duncan who?
Duncan make your garden grow better! Knock Knock
Who's there!
Duncan who?
Duncan disorderly again! Knock Knock
Who's there!
Duncan who?
Duncan buscuits in more...


Dear Mom and Dad,
Our scoutmaster told us all to write to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and worried. We are OK. Only one of our tents and two of our sleeping bags got washed away. Luckily none us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for more...


What is the definition of eternity?
Four blondes in four cars at a four way intersection.


Why is santa claus always so happy?
He knows where all of the bad girls live!

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klw:Do any of these things and yhebwill fine you and give you jail time. Yhey will not be laughing
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