Voting Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.

    i'm voting for barack obama. i dont know anything about his policies but i like black people more than i like old people.

    If we quit voting, will they all go away?

    This past Election Day, as usual, I didn’t vote. Voting isn’t a system that works. The majority of people are idiots, and in voting, the majority of people are right. Politicians learn early on that they have to lie, make false promises, and hide their real agendas to get the majority of voters, who don’t know what they are talking about, to vote them into office. I don’t really blame them, as that is the position they are put in to succeed. It just makes it impossible to tell who’s corrupt, and who’s trying to help. They all have to lie to some extent. If the good one’s don’t lie, they’ll lose to the bad one’s who do because people are voting based on campaign promises that sound good. If a politician stood there and was realistic with everyone about what they think could be done, he wouldn’t sound very exciting. When have we had a candidate that came anywhere close to delivering what they promised in their campaign? Has that ever happened? Take Obama for more...

    The NAACP on Monday announced that on Election Day, it will monitor voting in 10 states (including Florida and Ohio) by sending observers to voting stations in black districts.
    When asked about the move, Florida Governor Jeb Bush said, "I don't why they're sending people here. Florida doesn't have any voting stations in black districts."

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