Turban Jokes / Recent Jokes

The humor and wisdom of Mulla Nasruddin never leaves him tongue-tied. One day an uneducated man came to Mulla Nasruddin with a letter he had received.

Mulla Nasruddin, please read this letter to me. Mulla Nasruddin looked at the letter, but could not make out a single word. So he told the man.

I am sorry, but I cannot read this.

The gentleman cried: Shame, Mulla Nasruddin! You must be ashamed before the turban you wear (i. e. the sign of education).
Mulla Nasruddin removed the turban from his own head and placed it on the head of the illiterate man, said:

There, now you wear the turban. If it gives some information read the letter yourself.

From the ambush rule book issued to the sardar army:
"when passing through a thick forest cover your turban with leaves and twigs.
When passing through a corn field cover your turban with corn stalk.
When passing through a cabbage field, remove your turban. "

Once, a Hindu, a Sardar and an American were travelling in an aeroplane. Suddenly, something went wrong and the engines stalled. They had no parachutes with them. So all the three of them decided to risk their lives and jump out of their planes. First, the Sardar jumped out. He removed his turban, used it as a parachute and jumped. Using the turban he slowly floated down. Then the Hindu removed his dhoti and jumped out. Again his dhoti acted as a parachute and he also floated down gently. Seeing this, the American removed his shirt and pant and jumped out. Unfortunately, they did not do well as a parachute and he began to fall rapidly from the plane to the ground. He passed by the Hindu who said " May Bhagwan help you". Then he passed the Sardar. The Sardar looked at the American zooming past him and was puzzled. So he said - "I see! You want a race! Let us see who is faster" Saying so, he let go of his turban.

Once There Are Two Passengers In An Aeroplane, One Is Sardar And Other Is A Hindu. The Plane Was Crashing Down And Their Were
Only Two Parachute. The Pilot Jumped Firstly With His Parachute. The Sardar And Hindu Were Left, Sardar Said "You Go With The
Parachute I Have My Turban".

Once, a hindu, a sardar and an american were travelling in an aeroplane. Suddenly, something went wrong and the engines stalled. They had no parachutes with them. So all the three of them decided to risk their lives and jump out of their planes. First, the sardar jumped out. He removed his turban, used it as a parachute and jumped. Using the turban he slowly floated down. Then the hindu removed his dhoti and jumped out. Again his dhoti acted as a parachute and he also floated down gently. Seeing this, the american removed his shirt and pant and jumped out. Unfortunately, they did not do well as a parachute and he began to fall rapidly from the plane to the ground. He passed by the hindu who said - " may bhagwan help you". Then he passed the sardar. The sardar looked at the american zooming past him and was puzzled. So he said - "i see! You want a race! Let us see who is faster" saying so, he let go of his turban.