Troll Jokes / Recent Jokes

Climate/Terrain: Any Usenet
Frequency: Common
Organization: Thread
Activity cycle: Any
Diet: Lusers
Intelligence: Low (3-5)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armour Class: n/a
Movement: 'c'
Hit Dice: 100
THAC0: n/a
No. of Attacks: n/a
Damage/Attack: n/a
Special Attacks: See
Special Defences: See
Magic Resistance: 100%
Size: Exists as mental force
Morale: Elite (14)
XP Value: 1,800
The Usenet troll (Trollicus useneticus bloodyirritatingus) is an evil
mental parasite found in all areas of Usenet, where it preys upon the
brains of lusers (Homo stultissimus). Most clueful people avoid these
creatures, since Usenet trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly,
demanding responses from their prey.
Usenet trolls are immune to flames (Flammae useneticae), which is
unfortunate, as most will try to attack them more...