Stoped Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    There was an american who went to Mexico. He was walking around. He got tired so he stoped at this donkey renting place. He told the clerk he would like to rent a donkey. The clerk told him we dont call them donkeys here we call them asses. So he got an ass. The clerk also told him that to get them to go you have to scratch them. Later on he stoped to get a hotdog. He asked the clerk for one. The clerk said we dont call them hotdogs here we call them weiners. So he went a while then the ass stoped.He got off. The american saw this tourist he asked him if he could hold his weiner while he scratched his ass.

    Your momma so dumb she stoped at a stop sighn waiting for it to turn green

    One day a limo was driving the pope from New Orleans to Houston. Just before they got to Lafayette, Louisiana the pope asked the limo driver if he could drive the limosine. The limo driver did not want to upset the pope so he allowed him to drive. It wasnt seconds after the pope got behind the wheel that he was exceeding the speed limit by forty miles an hour. Soon after a deputy stoped the limo and went up to the driver side window. "sir i will be just a minute" the deputy replied. When the deputy got back to his squad car he called the sheriff on the radio. Yes sir sheriff we got a situation out here about ten miles oustide lafayette. "Whats the problem? I just stoped a limo doing one hundred miles an hour in a 60 mile an hour zone and dont know what to do. Give that sum bitch a ticket the sheriff replied. I dont know if I can give him a ticket said the deputy, this man is important people. The sheriff asked the deputy is he more important than me? The deputy replied more...

    I was on my way to my moms house, while driving in my convertable when some kid with big red suspenders pulls next to me on his moped and says something so i thought he wanted to race.
    So when the light turned green i took off and stoped at the light ahead and when i turned around to see how far the kid on the moped goes flying past me... so i took off again and went speeding past him going 100 then stoped and before i could even turn around to see how far he was, he went speeding past me. so once again i took off then slowing down to end the race. And when i stoped i turned to him and said "that was a nice race, but what do u have in that moped that makes it go so fast" and he turned to me, gave me a weird look and said! "I WASNT RACING MY SUSPENDER GOT STUCK TO YOUR BUMPER!!!"

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