Dumb Jokes
Funny Jokes
A dumb blonde was really tired
Hot 4 years agoby TatsA dumb blonde was really tired of being made fun of, so she decided to have her hair she would look like a brunette. When she had brown hair, she decided to take a drive in the country.
After she had been driving for a while, she saw a farmer and a flock of sheep and thought, "Oh! Those sheep are so adorable!"
She got out and walked over to the farmer and said, "If I can guess how many sheep you have, can I take one home?"
The farmer, being a bit of a gambler himself, said she could have a try.
The blonde looked at the flock and guessed, "157."
The farmer was amazed - she was right! So the blonde, (who looked like a brunette), picked one out and got back into her car. Before she left, farmer walked up to her and said.
"If I can guess the real color of your hair, can I have my dog back?"399116One day a man from Alabama comes to Georgia to get an education. He goes to the first professor he sees and says, “What can you teach me?”
Shocked, the professor answers, “Well, I can teach you about the power of reasoning.”
With a questioned look on his face, the man replied, “What’s that?”
“I’ll give you an example,” said the professor. “Do you have a weedeater?”
Although the question seemed strange, the man answered, “Yes, I do”
“Well, if you have a weedeater, then you must have a yard, do you have a yard?”
The man nods.
“Then, if you have a yard, I’ll bet you have a house.”
Again, the man agrees.
“Because you have a house, you must have a wife?”
Once more, the man nods.
“If you have a wife, you must be heterosexual, correct?”
The man again agrees. The man finishes up the full course and heads back to Alabama. When he comes across more...5118A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small club in a small town in Arkansas.
With his dummy on his knee, he's going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting: ''I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our full potential as a person, because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against, not only blondes, but women in general...and all in the name of humor!''
The ventriloquist is embarrassed and begins to apologize, when the blonde yells, ''You stay out of this, mister! I'm talking to that little jerk on your knee!''4412A construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came Boudreaux. The boss thought to himself, "I'm not hiring that lazy Cajun," so he decided to set a test for Boudreaux hoping he wouldn't be able to answer the questions and he'd be able to refuse him the job without getting into an argument.
The first question was, "Without using numbers, represent the number 9."
Boudreaux says, "Dat's easy," and proceeds to draw three trees.
The boss says, "What the hell is that?"
Boudreaux says, "Tree' n tree' n tree makes nine."
"Fair enough," says the boss. "Second question, same rules, but represent 99."
Boudreaux stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on each tree. "Der ya go sir," he says.
The boss scratches his head and asks, "How on earth do you get that to represent 99?"
Boudreaux more...319A girl with a red wig on goes to the doctor and the doctor asks "What seems to be the problem?" The girl says: "My body is on fire." She touched her arm and screamed. She touched her cheek and screamed even louder. The doctor says: "You are a blonde aren't you?" The girl says: "Yeah." The doctor says: "Your finger's broken."
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