Pierre Jokes / Recent Jokes

An elderly man was walking through the French countryside, admiring the beautiful spring day, when over a hedgerow he spotted a young couple making love in a field. Getting over his initial shock he said to himself,' Ah, young love... ze spring time, ze air, ze flowers... C'est magnifique!' and continued to watch, remembering good times. Suddenly he drew in a gasp and said,' Mais... Sacre bleu! Ze woman - she is dead!' and he hurried along as fast as he could to the town to tell Jean, the police chief.

He came, out of breath, to the police station and shouted,' Jean... Jean zere is zis man, zis woman... naked in farmer Gaston's field making love.' The police chief smiled and said;' Come, come, Henri you are not so old; remember ze young love, ze spring time, ze air, ze flowers? Ah, L'amour! Zis is ok.'

'Mais non! You do not understand; ze woman, she is dead!'

Hearing this, Jean leapt up from his seat, rushed out of the station, jumped on his bike, more...

Knock Knock
Who's there!
Pierre who?
Pierre through the keyhole, you'll see!

Two French brothers were in England, visiting long-lost relatives, their English cousins. Having high tea with Lady Windham, Pierre was making chit-chat: "Tell us about your children, dear cousin."
"Oh," said the Englishwoman, "alas, I have no children."
"I see," piped in Jean-Claude, "you are FRUITLESS."
Seeing the expression on Lady Windham's face, Pierre said, "I think that the proper term is UNBEARABLE."
"Non, non," corrected Jean-Claude, "I've got it now: she's IMPREGNABLE."
The lady winced, and Pierre said, "Perhaps the word we're looking for is INSURMOUNTABLE"
"Voila! I have it," exclaimed Jean-Claude, our dear cousin in INSCRUTABLE!"

One day, a genie was in a remarkably good mood, so he decided to go around the world, granting people their fondest wishes.
First, he came to London, where he saw a very sad-looking Englishman. He said to the man, "I am a genie. Tell me what you want most, and I will grant it to you."
The Englishman said, "My cousin Nigel has the most beautiful mansion you ever saw, but I don't even have a house at all. It's not fair! I'm just as good as he is! Why should HE have such a beautiful house and not me? Well, I want you to give me a house even bigger than Nigel's."
The genie snapped his fingers, and the house appeared magically. The Englishman was delighted.
Next, the genie went to Paris, where he saw a sad Frenchman. The genie asked the Frenchman what he wanted most. The Frenchman said, "My cousin Pierre has the most beautiful wife you ever saw, but I don't have a wife at all. It's not fair!
Why should HE have a beautiful wife and not me? I more...

Pierre was a camper from France. In his honour, Jenny sang a French song in the talent show. But she didnt sing very well. Does that make you homesick? someone asked Pierre. No, he answered. Just sick sick!