Matron Jokes / Recent Jokes

What's the difference between the North American porcupine and the African porcupine, the society matron asked the zookeeper."The principal difference is the North American species has a longer prick."This, as you might assume, distressed the matron who stormed immediately to the zoo manager's office. The zoo manager said, "Ma'am, I apologize for my staff's unfortunate choice of terms. What the keeper should have said is the North American species has a longer *quill*. In fact, their pricks are just about the same size."

A Punjabi matron emigrated to England taking her only son with her. She took to the country like a duck to water. But her boy missed his village and began to waste away. Ultimately the lady took the boy to the local doctor for a medical check-up.
'Does the boy eat well and sleep well?' asked the medico.
The lady replied in her Punjabi English:' Na, na doctor sahib. Na eatda, na sdeepdar, but weepda hee weep da.'

"What's the difference between the North American porcupine
and the African porcupine," the society matron asked the
"The principal difference is the North American species has a
longer prick."
This, as you might assume, distressed the matron who
stormed immediately to the zoo manager's office. The zoo
manager said, "Ma'am, I apologize for my staff's unfortunate
choice of terms. What the keeper should have said is the
North American species has a longer *quill*. In fact, their
pricks are just about the same size."