Laden Jokes / Recent Jokes

Q: What do Osama bin Laden and Custer have in common?
A: They both wondered where all those tomahawks were coming from.

Q: Whats Osama Bin Laden going to be for Halloween? A: Dead.

Osama Bin Laden has called off his Jihad against the United States for now. He told his followers today, " We do not have to risk our lives fighting the Great Satan. We now have almighty BP, Wall Street, Toyota, and Barrack Obama working for us."

Late Nite Jokes heard on T.V.
"There is now a $5 million dollar bounty on Osama bin Laden. Which marks the first time in history there has ever been a bounty on a guy's head who wears Bounty on his head."
— Jay Leno
"We are starting to learn more about Osama bin Laden. For his birthday one year, somebody gave him a $4 Timex. We know that. He is married to the daughter of a guy named Mullah Muhammed Omar. I think her name is Tiffany Omar. Insiders say that the marriage is not working out. Apparently they are living in separate caves."
— David Letterman
"It looks like now the military action is taking effect. They think that bin Laden's organization is starting to break down. Today satellite photos actually show the sand fleas are leaving his beard."
— David Letterman
"There are now rumors that the Taliban has been poisoning the food we have been dropping. We should make a deal with the people of Afghanistan. We'll more...

The Taliban's Fall TV Line-up

8: 00 - "Husseinfeld"
8: 30 - "Mad About Everything"
9: 00 - "Suddenly Sanctions"
9: 30 - "The Brian Benben Bin Laden Show"
10: 00 - "Allah McBeal"

8: 00 - "Wheel of Terror and Fortune"
8: 30 - "The Price is Right If Usama Says Its Right"
9: 00 - "Children Are Forbidden From Saying The Darndest Things"
9: 30 - "Afganistans Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers"
10: 00 - "Buffy The Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer"

8: 00 - "U. S. Military Secrets Revealed"
8: 30 - "Bowling For Food"
9: 00 - "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pita Bread"
9: 30 - "Just Shoot Everyone"
10: 00 - "Veilwatch"

8: 00 - "Matima Loves Chachi"
8: 30 - more...

Late Nite Jokes heard on T.V.
"There is now a $5 million dollar bounty on Osama bin Laden. Which marks the first time in history there has ever been a bounty on a guy's head who wears Bounty on his head."
— Jay Leno
"We are starting to learn more about Osama bin Laden. For his birthday one year, somebody gave him a $4 Timex. We know that. He is married to the daughter of a guy named Mullah Muhammed Omar. I think her name is Tiffany Omar. Insiders say that the marriage is not working out. Apparently they are living in separate caves."
— David Letterman
"It looks like now the military action is taking effect. They think that bin Laden's organization is starting to break down. Today satellite photos actually show the sand fleas are leaving his beard."
— David Letterman
"There are now rumors that the Taliban has been poisoning the food we have been dropping. We should make a deal with the people of Afghanistan. We'll more...

Late Nite Jokes heard on T.V."There is now a $5 million dollar bounty on Osama bin Laden. Which marks the first time in history there has ever been a bounty on a guy's head who wears Bounty on his head."- Jay Leno"We are starting to learn more about Osama bin Laden. For his birthday one year, somebody gave him a $4 Timex. We know that. He is married to the daughter of a guy named Mullah Muhammed Omar. I think her name is Tiffany Omar. Insiders say that the marriage is not working out. Apparently they are living in separate caves."- David Letterman"It looks like now the military action is taking effect. They think that bin Laden's organization is starting to break down. Today satellite photos actually show the sand fleas are leaving his beard."- David Letterman"There are now rumors that the Taliban has been poisoning the food we have been dropping. We should make a deal with the people of Afghanistan. We'll taste your food, you check our mail."- more...