Foo Jokes / Recent Jokes

A man went to Africa to do some game hunting. While there, he hireda young native to accompany him as his guide. Soon, a large flockof birds flew overhead and the hunter took aim. The guide grabbed his arm and said "Oh, no! These are foo birds andto shoot one means terrible things will happen to you! The manfigured that was only a superstion of the natives and shot one down. Then the rest of the flock returned aand pooped all over him. He hollared at the boy, "I must have some water right away to washthis mess off. The boy said "Oh no! To wash the crap of the foo birdoff means sudden death immediately! Again the hunter ignored hisadvice, found water and got cleaned off. Sure enough he dropped dead then and there. The moral of this storyis "If the foo shits, wear it."

Two kung-fu masters were carrying on about their respective skills. "Why, my reflexes are such that you will not believe," boasted Master Foo and drawing his sword, he sliced at a passing fly, which promptly dropped dead in two pieces. "That's nothing," said Master Koh. Drawing his sword, he made two deft cuts at another passing fly. Master Foo was highly amused. "What are you talking about?" he sneered. "That fly is still flying." "Ah yes," replied Master Koh, "but now it can never have children."

A man decided to go for a hike in the mountains, but when he got to the beginning of the trail, he was confronted by an old Indian who told him, "There are birds up in the mountains called Foo's and they love flying right into people, and it hurts like hell. But if any of them hits you, do not, i repeat, DO NOT swear, because if you do, a whole flock will come and attack you."

So the man continued his hike, and all of a sudden, he was hit in the forehead by a Foo, and he said, "OOOWWWW! Geez, that hurt!" But he remembered what the Indian said, and he didn't swear.

A few minutes later, he was hit by another Foo in the exact same spot, but he still didn't swear.

He continued his hike once again, and he was hit by a gigantic Foo. This time he swore, "AWW SHIT, DAMNIT THAT FU*KIN HURTS!" and suddenly, a whole flock of Foo's flew to him and starting hitting him and scratching him and pecking him. Soon, he was more...