Brunette Jokes / Recent Jokes

Once there was this brunette who was driving her corvette with the wind in her hair. She looked and she saw a farmer with a flock of sheep so she drove over and asked the farmer "if I can guess how many sheep in you're flock will you give me a sheep." The farmer says "OK". The brunette says "485". The farmer says "that's right but if I can guess you're natural hair color can I have my sheep back". the brunette says "OK". The farmer says "blonde". The brunette says how did you know. The farmer says you just picked the dog.

A blonde called her brunette friend and said, "I've been working on this puzzle for weeks, and I can't get it. " The brunette went over to see what was wrong, and she told the blonde, "Put the cornflakes away...." Blonde
Destination Hawaii "A blonde called in inquiring about a travel package to Hawaii. The agent explained their limited travel range.
After going over all the agent's information, she asked, "Well, could I fly to California, and THEN take your train to Hawaii?"

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde, all working for NASA, were discussing where to go on their next expedition.
"Let's go to the Moon," the brunette suggested.
"No. Let's go to Mars," said the redhead.
The brunette and redhead sat there arguing until the blonde finally yelled, "Stop arguing you two! I know where we should go on our next trip. Let's go to the Sun!"
The redhead and brunette looked at each other and began laughing. "We can't go to the Sun," exclaimed the brunette. "We would melt or burn up before we even got close!"
"Duh! Not if we go at night!" replied the blonde.

There was a Blond and a Brunette on an airplane. All of a sudden the engine blew and they started to crash! There was only one parachute and a flashlight. The Brunette grabbed the parachute and the flashlight and said to the blond, "Ok, This is a magic flashlight, I will shine it on the ground and you can slide down the beam of light! Then I will follow you with the parachute." The blond looked at her sceptically and said, "Do you think I am that dumb? I know when I am halfway down you're gonna turn it off!"

A blonde a brunette and a redhead were all on a deserted island. The three come across a lamp. The brunette give the lamp a rub and out comes a genie. He tells the girls they have three wishes. The brunette decides to go first...she missed her family so she wishes to return home. POOF the brunette disappears. Next the redhead decides she also misses her family and wishes to return home. POOF the redhead disappears. The genie looks at the blonde and she bursts out in tears... i wish my friends were here. POOF...

Q: Why are dumb blonde jokes so short?
A: So brunettes can remember them.

A blonde, brunette, and redhead went to see their grandpa living on top of a large cliff. He told them that the cliff was magical and said to jump off the cliff and say the name of the animal you want to turn into and you will turn into it. So they went to the cliff. The brunette went first. She jumped off the cliff and said, "eagle" and turned into an eagle and flew away. The redhead went next. She jumped off and said, "butterfly" and turned into a butterfly and flew away. The blonde went last. She jumped off the cliff and forgot what to do so she said, "holy crap"