Bronx Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Johns Pizza & Heros on Westchester Avenue in the Bronx was busted for being a major drug distribution center where coke went out in pizza boxes. DEA agent John P. Gilbride said jokingly, "This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Coke and a Slice." Good point, although it doesn't really give a whole new meaning to the phrase "The Bronx."

    After no luck 2 hunter from the Bronx decided to get back to their car and go back to Ney York. Suddenly as they were walking 1 of the men callopsed, the other rushed checked his pulse, he was dead, the man pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911 the operator said "okay the first thing to do is make sure he's dead." the man pulled out his rifle walked over and shot his friend in the head picked the cell phone and "okay, now what?".

    Two men from the bronx go to a costume party
    but the bouncer wont let them as he says they need costumes.
    so one of them splats a custard on his crotch while the other sticks his shlong through a pear sop they go to the party and the bouncer says "what are your costumes?"
    the sustard guy says "im fuckin discustad and the pair guy says "im in dispair"
    oohhhh that was baaaaaddd!

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