Shutup Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day there was a boy at school and his teacher told him to get 4 spelling words.
1st he went to his Brother and asked “Could you give me a spelling word? ” His Brother answered “ShutUp” So he wrote down Shutup.
2nd he went to his Mother and asked her. She answered “Certainly” He wrote down certinly.
3rd he wen to his Dad and asked for somthing sweet. His dad answered Lolipop so he wrote down Lolipop.
4th he went to his little brother and asked the question. He answered “In my Little Blue Car”
The next day he went to school and his teacher asked for the words. He said his 1st word Shutup. Then she asked “Do you want to go to the principles office? ” He said is second word “Certainly”. In the principals office the principal asked what do you think you deserve, the boy answered “Lolipop!! ” Then the principal asked “What do you think your punishment should be? ” The boy answered “To go in my Little Blue Car!!!! ”

There are three guys named Manners, Shutup, and Crap. They were really bored, so they decided to run a race. During the race, Crap fell down, and Manners stopped to help him. But Shutup ran so fast the police caught him. Here's how the conversation went: Police Officer #1: "What's your name?" Shutup: "Shutup." Police Officer #2: "Where's your manners?" Shutup: Back there picking up Crap!"

There Were 2 Boys Named Shutup And Manners. One Day Shutup And Manners Went For A Swim. Manners Went For A Swim But Shutup
Din't Fell Like Going For A Swim So Shutup Was Taking A Walk And A Police Man Came And Said What Is Your Name He Said Shutup
The Police Man Said Where Are Your Manners He Said Swimming In The Pool.

One day there was a boy at school and his teacher told him to get 4 spelling words.
1st he went to his Brother and asked "Could you give me a spelling word?" His Brother answered "ShutUp" So he wrote down Shutup.
2nd he went to his Mother and asked her. She answered "Certainly" He wrote down certinly.
3rd he wen to his Dad and asked for somthing sweet. His dad answered Lolipop so he wrote down Lolipop.
4th he went to his little brother and asked the question. He answered "In my Little Blue Car"
The next day he went to school and his teacher asked for the words. He said his 1st word Shutup. Then she asked "Do you want to go to the principles office?" He said is second word "Certainly". In the principals office the principal asked what do you think you deserve, the boy answered "Lolipop!!" Then the principal asked "What do you think your punishment should be?" The boy answered "To go more...

there was three guys named mannours, shutup and poo
. oneday poo fell into a ditch and manners jumped into save poo
and shutup went to go get help a police asked whats your name?
shutup whats your name shutup? im going to ask you one more time whats your name? shutup wheres your mannours in the ditch picking up poo.

One day three boys were riding their bikes in the woods. One of them got lost, so the other two rode their bikes to the police station and reported him missing. The officier asked the two boys what their names were and they replied Shutup and Mindyour Bussiness. The officier replied are you looking for trouble. Shutup said yeah he has my jacket.

there was a guy named shutup and he had two kids named manners and poopey. they went for a drive and manners was wearing a sitbelt and poopey was sticking his head out the window.all of a sudden shutup starts to speed up and the cop sees them so he pulls him over and poopey falls out the window.the cops says whats your name and he goes shutup he goes whats your name SHUTUP! he goes do u want to go down town he goes my name is shutup! he says weres your manners he goes over there picking up poopey!!!