Ruff Jokes / Recent Jokes

there was a red hair brown hair blonde hair girl walked in to giant they all took candy the people called the cops the brown head girl hid in the baskit, the red haired girl hid in a trash can the blonde head girl hid in a sack of potatoes the cops walk up to the basket and kicked it. The brown head girl goes "meow meow". the cops walked up to the trash can and the red hair girl goes "ruff ruff". The cops walk up to the sack of potatoes and the blonde head girl goes "potatoe potatoe" the cops start to walk away until the clerk said potatoes dont talk

a blonde a brunete and a redhead rob a bank, there is an alley next 2 it w/ 3 empty potatoe sacks they all get in one b/c the police ar after them. the brunete is in teh first sack and teh police kick it and she goes meow! and teh police go oh its just a stupid cat and teh move on 2 the next sack where teh red head is tehy kick the bag and she goes ruff ruff and teh police say oh its just a stupid dog and move on. tehy come 2 the sack with teh blonde, they kick it and she goes PO-TA-TOE!