Manners Jokes / Recent Jokes

Three men were in a car shudup manners and poop. they went too fast and poop fell out. shudup went to the police were they asked "what is your name?" " shudup" "Where are your manners?" the officer demanded "outside scrapin up poop!"

One Day Poop, Shut Up, and Manners were driving in a car and Poop
fell out. Shut up went to the police station. The policeman asked what
his name was. Shut up said Shut up. Whats your name? Shut up. For the last
time whats your name. Shut up. Where are your manners? Around the corner
picking up Poop.

There are three guys named Manners, Shutup, and Crap. They were really bored, so they decided to run a race. During the race, Crap fell down, and Manners stopped to help him. But Shutup ran so fast the police caught him. Here's how the conversation went: Police Officer #1: "What's your name?" Shutup: "Shutup." Police Officer #2: "Where's your manners?" Shutup: Back there picking up Crap!"

The nervous young bride became irritated by her husband's lusty advances on their wedding night and reprimanded him severely. "I demand proper manners in bed," she declared, "just as I do at the dinner table." Amused by his wife's formality, the groom smoothed his rumpled hair and climbed quietly between the sheets. "Is that better?" he asked, with a hint of a smile. "Yes," replied the girl, "much better." "Very good, darling," the husband whispered. "Now would you be so kind as to please pass your tits."

There were once four kids, Poop, Shut Up, Manners, and Trouble. Poop was riding his bike and fell. Manners went to help him up. Trouble got lost. Shut Up goes to the Police Station to report it. Officer: What's your name? Shut Up: Shut Up. Officer: What's your name? Shut Up: Shut Up. Officer: For the last time, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! Shut Up: Shut Up! Officer: Are you looking for Trouble? Shut Up: Yeah, we lost him about 2 miles back. Officer: Where's your Manners? Shut Up: Back there pickin' up Poop.

There Were 2 Boys Named Shutup And Manners. One Day Shutup And Manners Went For A Swim. Manners Went For A Swim But Shutup
Din't Fell Like Going For A Swim So Shutup Was Taking A Walk And A Police Man Came And Said What Is Your Name He Said Shutup
The Police Man Said Where Are Your Manners He Said Swimming In The Pool.

One sunny day, Shit, Manners and fuck off were taking a ride into town. but all of a sudden, shit got knocked over and fuck off went to call an ambulance.
He rung 911 and said: "Ambulance please!"
"what is your name?"
"fuck off"
"no honestly !"
"F U C K O F F!"
"come on now, no jokes!"
" FUCK OFF!!! "
" come on laddie, where is your manners!"
" ermmmmmm... he is half way down the street picking shit up"