John Edwards Jokes / Recent Jokes

On Friday John Edwards admitted that he had an affair in 2006. Even more shocking, he also admitted that in 2007 he actually had a bad hair day.

....john edwards, admitting to an affair, says he was 99% honest.....but only 12% of the time.

John Edwards reportedly talked a campaign aide into covering for him by saying that he had fathered Edwards’ mistress’ baby. ”C’mon!”, said Edwards. ”You’re on my staff. Just say that she was on yours!”

The media is jumping all over Presidential Candidate John Edwards for getting a $400 haircut... I think he's getting a raw deal. He's got to look sharp - God knows he's going to single soon enough.

John Edwards was banned from speaking at the Democratic Convention in light of his extra-marital affair and subsequent lying about it. Bill Clinton spoke in his place.