Indicating Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Technical talk is often difficult to understand by people not initiated in the technical arts. Listed below are some terms that are used commonly by technicians, and an explanation of what they actually mean:

    STUFFED. ..
    A description of an item of equipment indicating that it does not work quite as well as when it was new. This situation is not expected to change in the near future.

    FUCKED. ..
    Terminally stuffed.

    FUCK ME DEAD. ..
    A technical expression meaning that after you have totally stripped an assembly you didn't really need to, you have read the manual to discover a major warning in bold type saying never to touch that part under any circumstances whatsoever, as it requires factory (overseas) realignment.

    FUCK IT ALL. ..
    An expression that follows the tinging sound of a miniature spring or circlip bouncing off something on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, you didn't see where it came from, where it went more...

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