Iijima Jokes

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    The autobiography of a former Japanese porn actress has become the latest craze amongst teenage girls in Taiwan. Platonic Sex has sold 70, 000 copies since it hit the shops in December and discusses Ai Iijima's childhood, the sex industry and her move into acting and writing. But despite proving popular with teenagers, Taiwanese women's groups fear the book may encourage girls to enter the sex industry. One campaigner, Tang Li-yen of the Women and Children Protection Foundation, said: "It would encourage our young people to learn from Ms Iijima." But many teenagers say they admire 28-year-old Ai Iijima's open attitude to sex and find her eventful life inspiring. Veronic Hsieh, a 17-year-old student, has told the: "I want to know how a former porn actress like her can finally find her way back to the right path and lead a normal life."

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