Fleas Jokes / Recent Jokes

Kittens, better than babies? Hah! Here now are the top ELEVEN reasons why
babies are better than kittens (and, as any five-year-old will tell you, more
reasons makes my list better. Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!)
11) Babies are rarely known to shed on furniture.
10) No one's allergic to a baby.
9) Having a kitten in the car doesn't let you drive in the carpool lane.
8) An exercise program you can really stick with... that you HAVE to stick
with, whether you like it or not...
7) With a kitten, you don't get to watch otherwise normal adults making
silly faces, jumping up and down, talking nonsense in a high pitched voice,
and generally making fools of themselves. Hours of fun!
6) For an initial investment of a camera and few pieces of film, you can
convince baby's grandparents to buy the kid all the cute but expensive
clothes, toys, furniture, and major appliances s/he will ever need-a good
photographer can buy nothing but diapers for a year. more...

Two fleas where running across the top of a cereal packet? "Why are we running so fast? " said one Because it says "Tear along the dotted line"

How to fleas travel? Itch hiking!

What is a fleas favourite book? The itch-hikers guide to the galaxy!

Q. There are two fleas on a pussy. One is smoking dope, what's the other one doing?
A. Sniffing crack.