Economists Jokes / Recent Jokes

Q: How many economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. If the light bulb really needed changing, market forces would have already caused it to happen.

Q: How many economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: That depends on the wage rate.

Q: How many economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two. One to assume the ladder and one to change the bulb.

A woman hears from her doctor that she has only half a year to live. The doctor advises her to marry an economist and to live in South Dakota.
The woman asks: "Will this cure my illness?"
Answer of the doctor: "No, but the half year will seem pretty long."
Two economists meet on the street. One inquires, "How's your wife?"
The other responds, "Relative to what?"
I asked an economist for her phone number... and she gave me an estimate.
Two economists sit down to play chess. They study the board for 24 hours and declare a stale-mate.

Top reasons to study Economics1. Economists are armed and dangerous: "Watch out for our invisible hands." 2. Economists can supply it on demand. 3. You can talk about money without every having to make any. 4. Mick Jagger and Arnold Schwarzenegger both studied economics and look how they turned out. 5. When you are in the unemployment line, at least you will know why you are there. 6. If you rearrange the letters in "ECONOMICS", you get "COMIC NOSE". 7. Although ethics teaches that virtue is its own reward, in economics we get taught that reward is its own virtue. 8. When you get drunk, you can tell everyone that you are just researching the law of diminishing marginal utility. 9. When you call 1-900-LUV-ECON and get Kandi Keynes, you will have something to talk about.

An economist is a trained professional paid to guess wrong about the economy. An econometrician is a trained professional paid to use computers to guess wrong about the economy.
Talk is cheap. Supply exceeds Demand.
Bentley’s second Law of Economics: The only thing more dangerous than an economist is an amateur economist!
Berta’s Fundamental Law of Economic Rents.. “The only thing more dangerous than an amateur economist is a professional economist. ”
Definition: Policy Analyst is someone unethical enough to be a lawyer, impractical enough to be a theologian, and pedantic enough to be an economist.
Three econometricians went out hunting, and came across a large deer. The first econometrician fired, but missed, by a meter to the left. The second econometrician fired, but also missed, by a meter to the right. The third econometrician didn’t fire, but shouted in triumph, “We got it! We got it! ”
Q: How has French revolution affected world more...

Why did the market economist cross the road? To reach the consensus forecast. What does an economist use when calculating constant-dollar estimates? Deflator mouse How many Chicago School economists does it take to change a light bulb? None. If the light bulb needed changing the market would have already done it. How many mainstream economists does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to assume the existence of ladder and one to change the bulb. How many neo-classical economists does it take to change a light bulb? It depends on the wage rate.