Cultures Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Since history began, the Chinese always believed in the significance of one's name. They have developed a very comprehensive system of naming one's children as it is believed that the name of a person strongly influences one's destiny and fate.
    Astrologers, fortune tellers, academics and monks are consulted when choosing a name for the new born. The other cultures, however do not really believe in it and tend to brush it off as superstition. Whether you believe it or not, however, the other cultures are not spared of this correlation.
    For example, the Chinese surname LEE (Li) is associated with power and success such as Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Teng Hui (Taiwanese President), Li Peng (China's ex PM), Li Ka Shing (HK tycoon) and LEE Iacocca - once Chrysler's chief, Lee Van Cliff, the actor.
    One very good example is Lee Iacocca, whose first name IACOCCA stands more...

    A Mad Scientist Christmas
    Twas the night before Christmas and all thru my house,
    Not a specimen was stirring, not even a louse.
    The test tubes were capped and the rat cages closed,
    The mold cultures fuzzy, the mice in repose.
    The oven kept warm the ebola and pox,
    I still need to locate my husband's clean socks...
    But that has to wait till tomorrow, I know;
    My buggies still need that much more time to grow.

    When from the kitchen came a massive explosion,
    I leapt from my bed in perpetual motion.
    Grabbing my lab coat I pulled on my pants,
    Struggling into them a sick sort of dance.
    With fury and haste I put on a shirt,
    Running out of the bedroom on feet black with dirt.
    Buttoning my lab coat and donning a mask,
    I ran into the kitchen holding an Erlenmeyer flask.

    I nearly passed out when the man who I saw,
    dressed in containment gear sealed without flaw,
    Held high a huge sack with his more...

    More hair than all previous Star Trek commanding officers combined.
    Drinks coffee, not that sissy "Earl Grey" stuff.
    Beams down to the planet like real Captains should.
    Mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line.
    Hasn't let an adolescent pilot the Federation flagship - yet.
    Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0
    Voyager needs a female Captain. Its Captain must be willing to
    admit they're lost and pull over for directions.
    Picard likes to talk his way through. Janeway likes to punch her way through.
    Hasn't quoted Shakespeare - yet.
    Looks better in sleepwear.
    Gives guilt trips that would make a Jewish mother proud.
    Isn't French with an English accent.
    Will give you two days off to ponder your lifeshattering experience.
    Janeway says "I don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying
    to convince them to behave better.
    To comfort children, Janeway cares for them in a loving more...

    In some cultures, what I do would be considered normal.

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