Courtney Jokes / Recent Jokes

A swanky rehab facility is suing Courtney Love, claiming she never paid her bill after leaving there in 2005.

The lawsuit states that unless she pays in full, she will be shot full of heroin-tipped darts, thus re-addicting her.

What's the difference between Courtney Love and Wayne Gretzky? Wayne takes a shower after 3 periods.

What’s the difference between Courtney Love and Wayne Gretzky?
Wayne takes a shower after 3 periods.

Knock Knock
Who's there!
Courtney Pine!
Courtney Pine who?
Courtney Pine tables, I need a new one!

Courtney Love, widow of Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain, says she plans to sell most of his belongings. She said it was an easy thing to do since she sold her soul to the devil a few years back.

Courtney: Let's see who can stay up the longest tonight.
Kaitlyn: I know! We'll pinch each other every ten minutes to make sure we don't fall asleep! Starting right NOW!
Courtney: Hey, I'm not even tired!
Kaitlyn: See, my plan is working!