Contrary Jokes / Recent Jokes

(Row Row Row Your Boat)
Roll, roll, roll your joint
twist it at the end,
take a puff,
that's enough and pass it to a friend.
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner playing with himself,
he stuck his thumb up his ass
and found his uncles underpants
and said "What a good boy am I"
Mary Mary quite contrary
shaved her pussy cause it was so damn hairy.
Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow
I live in a flat you fucking twat so how the fuck should I know
Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow
With wizz and e's and ganja trees and coke as white as snow
Mary had a little lamb her cow had B.S.E
Mary was a kiky slut and gave them H.I.V
Abraham Lincoln was a good old man.
He hopped out the window with his Dick in hand.
He said, "Excuse me ladies,
just doing my duty
so why not pull down your pants
and give me some booty."
Hickory Dickory more...

Contrary to what people say, you can indeed drink to relax. Of course sometimes, you get so calm, you cant move.

Contrary to popular belief, a barrel full of monkeys isn't fun at all, and is in fact quite horrifying.

Contrary to popular belief Tattoos are not permanent.
They usually rot away a few days after you die.

Contrary to popular belief, God's last name is not damn.