Conservative Jokes / Recent Jokes

Q: What is a conservative? A: A liberal whos been mugged.

Plaxico convicted on weapons charges
Michael Vick convicted on dog fighting charges
PacMan convicted on felony assault
- - -the NFL states Rush Limbaugh isn't someone they want to be associated with (?!?!?!?!? )..... meanwhile Charlie Manson and Phil Spector are interested buyers

A new calendar put out by the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute features monthly pinups of "great conservative women" such as Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.
The subtitle of the calendar is, "Where erections go to die."

Conservative: Someone who wants to keep what the liberals fought for a generation before.

Conservatives have proven, conclusively, that they are unable to govern the country because they are serving in an institution, the government, that they fundamentally don't believe in. It's like asking a Rabbi to preach at a Baptist church.
"Let us all bow our heads in prayer to....uh, does it have to be Jesus?? Oy!!"

After accusing Michael J. Fox of exaggerating the effects of Parkinson's disease, Rush Limbaugh finally apologized. Then he added, "But Muhammed Ali is totally faking his blackness!"

Q: How many conservative economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. The darkness will cause the light bulb to change by itself.