CBS Jokes / Recent Jokes

One female said Letterman told her to roll over on her back, stick her legs up in the air, and growl. She said Letterman got the idea from a "stupid pet trick."

Eliot Spitzer has quickly become the butt of many late-night jokes. He was the focus of The Late Show with David Letterman's Top Ten list, about messages Spitzer has on his answer machine now.

When I saw a headline that Letterman was on top the last four weeks, I thought it was referring to his ratings.

Next on "48 Hours": the Letterman Sex Tapes or "Top Ten Ways to Tickle My Funny Boner"

Dave Letterman admitted last night during his show to having done some "terrible and embarrassing things" over the years. I dunno, I kind of like those Top Ten Lists of his...