Animated Jokes / Recent Jokes

Monsters, Inc. was a cute animated movie that is pretty funny, but definitely for kids. You should go see it if you have kids, are a kid, or like to pretend you're a kid late at night by wearing diapers. It's made by the Pixar people, who did Toy Story and A Bug's Life, and that pretty much tells you what to expect. Same technology, but a couple years later, so it's a little better, a little more lifelike. Movie gets a nice, solid 3 6/7 Babylons. You'll have a good time, but try not to see it in a theater filled with too many kids- they can be annoying. Especially when the one right behind you spends the last fifteen minutes kicking your chair telling its Mommy that it needs to go to the bathroom.

OK, now let's talk about the Star Wars trailer.

By now, you have seen it, or heard it, or had it described to you by a cyber-dork named C3PO4EVR on a host of fan sites. You know it's really short. You know there is no dialogue. You know that the only sound you get is more...

Over Gibsons, two animated gentlemen were having a rousing battle about the charms of Kim Novak.
"I say she's overrated," said one. "Take away her eyes, her hair, her lips and her figure and what have you got?"
"My wife," said the other with a heavy sigh.

Sweet Cravings: Not only does it clean out the Cookies folder, but it orders pints of Ben and Jerry's from when you're not there.
Morning Sickness: Hard drive makes retching sounds every a.m. and then crashes.
Temper, Temper: Error messages change from warnings such as "Unexpected Application Error" to "What the Hell Do You Think You're Doing?"
Party Time: Windows Registry throws a baby shower.
May I Help You?: Perky, animated paper clip changes to a perky, animated diaper pin.
Pastel PC: Desktop is redecorated in blue and pink tones.
Growing Pains: Unidentified file in Config folder keeps getting bigger every day.
Time's Up: Biological clock in lower right-hand corner finally stops ticking.
Child-Bearing Hips: Windows PC starts to look suspiciously like an oh-so-rounded iMac.
New Operating System: OS/Gyn.
(From CNET - 31 Aug 2000)