Address Jokes / Recent Jokes

At the airport for a business trip, I settled down to wait for the boarding announcement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public address system saying, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will board from Gate 41." So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41. Not ten minutes later the public address voice told us that Flight 570 would in fact be boarding from Gate 35. So, again, we gathered our carry-on luggage and returned to the original gate. Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke again: "Thank you for participating in Delta's physical fitness program.

At the airport for a family holiday, a man and his family settled down to wait for the boarding announcement at Gate 35. Then they heard the voice on the public address system saying, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will board from Gate 41."

The man and his family picked up their luggage and carried it over to Gate 41. Not ten minutes later the public address voice told them that Flight 570 would in fact be boarding from Gate 35.

So, again they gathered their carry-on luggage and returned to the original gate.

Just as they were settling down, the public address voice spoke again:

"Thank you for participating in Delta's physical fitness program."

My dear Jagjit,
I am in a well here and hoping you are also in a well there. I'm writing this letter slowly, because I know you cannot read fast.
We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen 20 miles from home, so we moved 20 miles away.
I won't be able to send the address as the last Sardar who stayed here took the house numbers with them for their new house so they would not have to change their address. Hopefully by next week we will be able to take our earlier address plate here, so that our address will remain same too.
This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine, situated right above the toilet. I'm not sure it works too well. Last week I put in 3 shirts, pulled the chain and haven't seen them since.
The weather here isn't too bad. It rained only twice last week. The first time it rained for 3 days and second time for 4 days.
The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt said more...

I finally agreed to limit the number of people who could email me. It's a very exclusive list. How exclusive? Everyone look at the person sitting on your left. Now look at the person sitting on your right. None of you have my email address.

OLD telephone directories make ideal personal address books. Simply crossout the names and address of people you don't know. FOOL other drivers intothinking you have an expensive car phone by holding an old TV or video remotecontrol up to your ear and occasionally swerving across the road and mountingthe curb. LOSE weight quickly by eating raw pork or rancid tuna. I foundthat the subsequent food poisoning/diarrhea enabled me to lose 12 pounds inonly 2 days. AVOID parking tickets by leaving your windshield wipers turnedto 'fast wipe' whenever you leave your car parked illegally. NO TIME for abath? Wrap yourself in masking tape and remove the dirt by simply peeling itoff. SAVE ON BOOZE by drinking cold tea instead of whisky. The followingmorning you can create the effects of a hangover by drinking a thimble fullof dish washing liquid and banging your head repeatedly on the wall. RECREATEthe fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your own home by filling thebath with cold water, more...

Q. What's O. J. Simpson's Internet address?

A. Slash, slash, backslash, slash, slash, escape.

How to Determine if Technology has Taken Over Your Life
1. Your stationery is more cluttered than Warren Beatty's address book. The letterhead lists a fax number, e-mail addresses for two on-line services, and your Internet address, which spreads across the breadth of the letterhead and continues to the back. In essence, you have conceded that the first page of any letter you write *is* letterhead.
2. You can no longer sit through an entire movie without having at least one device on your body beep or buzz.
3. You need to fill out a form that must be typewritten, but you can't because there isn't one typewriter in your house only computers with laser printers.
4. You think of the gadgets in your office as "friends," but you forget to send your father a birthday card.
5. You disdain people who use low Baud rates.
6. When you go into a computer store, you eavesdrop on a salesperson talking with customers and you butt in to correct him and spend more...