20-second Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Guys: The next time you want a gal to trust you, just hug her. For at least twenty seconds.

    Gals: Sorry, this trick doesn't work on guys.

    According to a recent article in the SF Chronicle, research shows that the female brain naturally releases a pleasure-boosting hormone after a 20-second hug. The embrace bonds the woman to her hugger and triggers her trust circuits. [Re: Louann Brizendine's new book, The Female Brain]

    Note: I'm not sure this ploy will work on married women. I tried a long hug on my wife when I arrived home yesterday, and she immediately became susp*cious: "What are you up to?"

    Maybe I should have hugged her silently, rather than whispering sweet nothings in her ear: "one-hippopotamus, two-hippopotamus, three-hippopotamus..."

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