"Pregnant Turkey" joke

Last year at Christmas time, my mom went to my sister’s house for the
traditional holiday feast.
Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick.
She told my sister that she needed something from the store and asked if my
sister wouldn’t mind going out to get it.
When my sister left the house, mom took the turkey out of the oven, removed the
mixed stuffing, stuffed a Cornish hen, and inserted it into the turkey… then
re-stuffed the turkey.
She then placed the bird(s) back into the oven.
When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the turkey out of the oven and
proceeded to remove the stuffing.
When her serving spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the smaller
With a look of total shock on her face, my mother exclaimed, “Barbara, you’ve
cooked a pregnant bird! ”
At the reality of this horrifying news, my sister started to cry hysterically.
It took the entire family almost two hours to convince her that turkeys lay
And yes, my sister is a BLONDE!

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He knows where all of the bad girls live!

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Anonym:too funny, I'll likely play this joke on a special someone some day.
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