"Construction site" joke

there was a guy that stutters and he was not good at maths he went 2 the bank looking for a job and the boss said are u good at maths and he said no so the boss said i cant give you the job so he went home and the next day came so he was looking for a job again so he 2 the construction site and they had a job for him so he went 2 the top of the building and there was a guy waiting for him so they started talking 2 each other and the construction guy said do you want earn some money and the new guy said yes how so the constuction guy said watch so he did and the man got a brick and threw it off the buildingand yelled out falling brick and the man came up and said thanks 4 saving me and gave him $50 he did it agin and got given $100 and again and got $200 and then said you have a turn so he got a brick and dropped it and said fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fuck i hit him

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