"Buy Some Panties" joke

A young girl is walking up the stairs in a church just as the priest is walking by. He looks up and is shocked to see the girl isn't wearing any panties.
He calls to the girl, gives her $25 and says, "Young lady, it's not proper to walk around without any panties on. Take this money and buy yourself some panties."
The girl goes home and gives the money to her mother and asks her to buy some panties for her. The mother asks her daughter where she got the money from and the girl explains what happened.
After learning how her daughter got the money, the mother rushes to her room, whips off her panties, puts on the shortest skirt she has and runs to the church.
As soon as she sees the priest approaching, she starts to walk up the stairs. The priest notices her and calls her down.
Not wanting the priest to think she's expecting anything, she calmly walks back down the stairs to where he is waiting.
The priest hands the woman $1 and says, "Lady, take this and for goodness sake, go buy yourself a razor!"

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