Reporters Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Bill Clinton decided to' teach' Laloo English, so he invited him over to the US. Laloo arrives in full grandeur.
    Bill announces to the nation that they should not be disturbed during the tuition. Inside the White House, they are locked up in a room, and Bill starts teaching Laloo English.
    Days pass by and weeks pass by, but there is no sign of them coming out. The whole country and its economy have come to a standstill, and press, news reporters from all over the world are waiting outside eagerly to find the outcome.
    At last one day, the door opens, and out comes Laloo - beaming his resplendent white smile, looking cool and unruffled.
    However, Bill looks totally dazed, his clothes are torn, his hair is completely ruffled, and he has scratch marks all over his face.
    The shocked reporters ask Bill, "What happened Mr. Clinton?"
    Bill replies: "Ee babua hamar kuch bhi naahi sunat hai! "

    On the first day of Christmas my CNN Anchor showed to me
    A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 2nd day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    2 Microphones;
    and A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 3rd day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    3 Telephones;
    2 Microphones;
    and A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 4th day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    4 Teleprompters;
    3 Telephones;
    2 Microphones;
    and A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 5th day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    5 Camera Men.....
    4 Teleprompters;
    3 Telephones;
    2 Microphones;
    and A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 6th day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    6 Field Producers;
    5 Camera Men.....
    4 Teleprompters;
    3 Telephones;
    2 Microphones;
    and A Lap Top on the news desk.
    On the 7th day of Christmas, my CNN Anchor gave to me,
    7 Perky Reporters;
    6 Field more...

    Barack Obama told reporters that he plans to go body surfing while in Hawaii. Meanwhile, John McCain told reporters that he plans to get out of the tub by himself.

    A Safe Bet, Bush Reassures Nation

    In a bold move to privatize Social Security, President George W. Bush today put all of the program's funds under the control of former Education Secretary William Bennett, urging Mr. Bennett to "work your magic" on the nation's nest egg.

    Recognizing that many retirees are nervous about the privatization of America's retirement system, Mr. Bush reassured them today, stating flatly, "Bill Bennett is a safe bet."

    "I have known Bill Bennett for many years," Mr. Bush told reporters. "This is a man who knows when to hold' em and knows when to fold' em."

    A beaming Mr. Bennett stood at Mr. Bush's side, the former Education Secretary wearing what he later called "my lucky hat."

    He spoke briefly with reporters before boarding a plane for the Venetian casino in Las Vegas, where he said he would begin to implement his "can't lose" investment plan for more...

    Bill Clinton decided to teach' Laloo English, so he invited him over to the US. Laloo arrives
    in full grandeur. Bill announces to the nation that they should not be disturbed during the
    tution inside the White house, they are locked up in a room, and Bill starts teaching Laloo
    English. Days pass by and weeks pass by, but there is no sign of them coming out.
    The whole country and its economy has come to a standstill, and press, news reporters from all
    over the world are waiting outside eagerly to find the outcome. At last one day, the door opens,
    and out comes Laloo -beaming his resplendant white smile, looking cool and unruffled. However,
    Bill looks totally dazed, his clothes are torn, his hair is completely ruffled, and he has
    scratch marks all over his face.

    Theshocked reporters ask Bill, "What happened Mr. Clinton? "
    Bill replies: "Ee babua hamar kuch bhi naahi sunat hai! "

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