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How are UFOs related to hamburgers? Both are Unidentified Frying Objects!

So you are distantly related to the family next door, are you? Yes- their dog is our dogs brother.

Inspiration and perspiration are related by more than rhyme.

1.) How are sex and bungiee jumping related?
When the rubber breaks you'r screwed!!!

2.) What has 6 balls and screwes you every week?
The Lottery!!!!

Special To The Star – Bethlehem officials refused comment, but 3 men on camels said DYFS took custody of an infant born in a barn. The terrible conditions found are the basis for a hearing on whether the parents are guilty of child abuse. One of the men, Gaspar, was arrested when police found he had 50 g. of frankincense wrapped as a gift. He is being charged with intent to distribute.
In a related story, a boy, ox and lamb were arrested for disturbing the peace after guests of a nearby inn complained about incessant drumming. Police held the boy and his drum as evidence. The ox and lamb were released after it was determined they were only keeping time.

Paternity Questioned
The story surrounding "Stable Boy" got more confusing late yesterday when Joseph produced documentation he had undergone a vasectomy 2 years ago and accused his wife of having an affair. Mary, the mother of "Stable Boy", refused to provide any explanation and is now more...

The professor had just related to his history class the event where an ancient runner had covered the 29 miles from the plains of Marathon to Troy to finally cry "Victory - Victory" and then fall dead from the run. Asking for comments, the class sat quietly until one student, a cross-country team member from the back of the room quietly asked - "did anybody get his time?"

How are UFO's related to hamburgers? Both are Unidentified Frying Objects!