Quotation Jokes / Recent Jokes

In the days of the knights, a midget told his king that he, too, wanted to be a knight. Too small, said the king. But the
determined midget went about the kingdom, catching highwaymen and
rescuing maidens, until the news got back to the king. "All right,"
said the king. "I dub thee knight."Special miniature armor was hammered out for him. A galley knife was honed into a sword. But no horse little enough was found. So the king substituted a large shaggy dog. And the midget went forth again to do good. A terrible rainstorm came up. The midget rode to a nearby inn. But the innkeeper said there was no more room. The midget pointed out how little space he'd take up. The innkeeper looked him over, and his mount, too, both soaked to the skin, and finally said, "Come on in. We'll find a spot for you. I couldn't send a knight out on a dog like this."