Obviously Jokes / Recent Jokes

The family picture is on His desk - Ah, a solid, responsible family man.
The family picture is on Her desk - Um, her family will come before her career.
His desk is cluttered - He's obviously a hard worker and a busy man.
Her desk is cluttered - She's obviously a disorganized scatterbrain.
He is talking with his co-workers - He must be discussing the latest deal.
She is talking with her co-workers - She must be gossiping.
He's not in the office - He's meeting a customer.
She's not in the office - She must be out shopping.
He's having lunch with the boss - He's on his way up.
She's having lunch with the boss - They must be having an affair.
The boss criticized Him - He'll improve his performance.
The boss criticized Her - She'll be very upset.
He got an unfair deal - Did he get angry?
She got an unfair deal - Did she cry?
He's getting married - He'll get more settled.
She's getting married - She'll get pregnant more...

Student: J. Christ Form: III Term: 1
SubjectGradeTeacher's Comment
To the question "Who made the world?" persisted in answering 'My
dad'. Claims bible originated from the same source.
Tends to speak and write in archaic forms and uses outmoded
figures of speech.
History A
Excellent pupil of ancient and Religious History.
Geography C-
Assignment on 'Hot, dry lands' was excellent, but shows little
interest in the rest. In geology, keeps talking about the Rock of
Ages instead of the ages of Rock.
Social StudiesB+
Shows keen interest in social issues.
Lacks basics. Keeps muttering about 'Three in one' and 'I and
the father are one'.
General ScienceD
Lacks disipline - e.g., when asked to repeat the experiment for
making hydrogen, claimed he knew a better way.
Graphic CommunicationD
Prefers to draw with a stick in the sand to pencil more...

The drunken wino was stumbling down the street with one foot on the curb and one foot in the gutter.
A cop pulled up and said, "I've got to take you in, sir. You're obviously drunk"
The wasted wino asked, "Ociffer, are ya absolutely sure I'm drunk?"
"Yeah, buddy, I'm sure," said the copper. "Let's go."
Obviously relieved, the wino said "That's a relief - I thought I was a cripple."

Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important that we keep mentally alert. The saying: "If you don't use it, you will lose it" also applies to the brain.
Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of intelligence. So take the following test presented here and determine if you are losing it or are still a MENSA candidate. OK, relax, clear your
mind and. . . begin.
1. What do you put in a toaster?
The answer is bread. If you said "toast", then give up now and go do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, "bread", go to question 2.
2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk". What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk", please do not attempt the next question. Your brain is obviously overstressed and may even overheat. It may be that you need to content yourself with
reading something more more...

A woman was shopping in a fairly nice dress store. Trying on a dress and liking it, she asked the salesman the price. When he told her she launched into a tirade about prices these days, covering just about everything from housing to auto tires. After ten minutes or so, the salesman had obviously had enuff and said, "My dear lady. If the cost of living is so high and obviously so offensive to you, why do you bother? "

A man, obviously quite drunk, enters the front door of a bar, staggers up to a stool, sits down and, with a belch, orders a drink. The bartender politely informs the man that it appears he's already had one too many, he would not be served additional liquor at this bar, and could he call a cab for him?
Surprised, the drunk softy scoffs, grumbles, climbs down from the bar stool and staggers out the front door.
A few minutes later, the same drunk stumbles in the SIDE door of the bar, wobbles up to the bar and yells for a drink. The bartender approaches him and, still politely - but more firmly, refuses to serve the man due to his inebriation, and again offers to call a cab. The drunk glares at the bartender, curses, and shows himself out the side door, all the while grumbling and shaking his head.
A couple of minutes later, the same drunk bursts in through the BACK door of the bar, climbs up on a stool, gathers his wits and belligerently orders a drink. The bartender comes more...

A while back there was an opening in the CIA for an assassin. These highly classified positions are extremely difficult to fill, requiring an extensive background check, training, and testing before candidates are even considered for the position. After reviewing several applicants and completing all the checks and training, the field was narrowed to the three most promising candidates.

The day came for the final test, which would determine which of equally qualified candidates would get the job. The final candidates consisted of two men and one woman. The men administering the test took the first candidate, a man, down a corridor to a closed door and handed him a gun saying, "We must be completely assured that you will complete your assignments and follow instructions regardless of the circumstances. Inside this room you will find your wife, seated in a chair. Take this gun and kill her." The man, looking completely shocked said, "You can't be serious! I more...