Mobile Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    What Do You Call a Nun in a Wheelchair?
    Virgin Mobile

    LONDON - A baffled British woman who lost a mobile phone dialed
    the number and heard it ringing inside her friend's dog.
    Rachel Murray, 27, had left the cellphone under her Christmas tree as a
    surprise gift for her flatmate, The Sun newspaper reported on Friday.
    But chum Tony Dangerfield's bloodhound Charlie crept into the room and
    greedily wolfed down the mobile phone, leaving only a pile of torn paper.
    After a frantic search for the phone, Murray obtained the number from the
    telephone company, dialed and heard muffled ringing from sleeping Charlie's
    "At first I thought Charlie was lying on the phone - then I realized where
    it was," she said. "I couldn't believe he'd swallowed it."
    The dog was rushed to a vet, who advised Murray and Dangerfield to let
    nature take its course.
    Twenty four hours later the phone duly emerged - in perfect working order.

    What do you call a mobile homes for rabbits? Wheelburrows!

    Santa with a new mobile called everyone from his Phone Book & said "My Mobile No. has changed Earlier it was Nokia 3310 Now it is 6610".

    The May Day parade in Moscow is the largest, most important military parade of the year. For 1992's parade, Yeltsin and Gorbachev invited Bill Clinton to come watch it with them. The parade commenced with a battalion of tanks, followed by a division of infantry, followed by armored personnel carriers and mobile artillery. They had mobile ballistic missile launchers, electronic jamming vehicles, and throughout the entire time the formations were overflown by squadrons of the most advanced interceptors, fighters, and long-range tactical and strategic bombers.
    Clinton, who had never been this close to war in his life, was suitably impressed. Then he noticed that, way back at the end of the parade, there was a disorganized, messy bunch of men in rumpled suits tagging along behind the last artillery pieces. "Who are they?" he asked.
    "Ah," said Yeltsin, "those are our economists!"
    "But I thought this parade was military..." said Clinton, more...

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