Lightblub Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Q: How many Princeton students does it take to screw in a lightblub?
    A: Sigh. The Alumni pay people to do things like that for us.

    Note: Princeton has a reputation for being wealthier than the other seven.

    Q: How many Princeton students does it take to screw in a lightblub?
    A: I don't know, let me call my maid.

    Note: Princeton has a reputation for being wealthier than the other seven.

    Q: How many Indiana University "notes" users does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: All of them, since changing light bulbs is the only kind of job they can get after they graduate.

    Note: Not meant to offend students at the Indiana University.

    Q: How many Indiana University "notes" users does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Have you ever wondered why it's so dark in Bloomington?

    Q: How many Japanese industrialists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Three--one to make sure the more...

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