Gwapes Jokes / Recent Jokes

A little duck entered a bar one day and sauntered up to the bartender. "Got any gwapes?" the duck asked.
"No, sorry," the bartender replied. The duck left the bar, disappointed.
The next day, the duck walked into the bar again and asked, "Got any gwapes?"
"I told you yesterday, no, I don't!' the bartender answered angrily. The duck left, even more disappointed.
The following day, the duck walked into the bar again and asked, "Got any gwapes?"
"No! I told you, I do not have any grapes. If you dare to come in here one more time and ask for grapes, I'm going to nail your feet to the floor!" bellowed the bartender.
The next day, the duck waddled into the bar yet again. As the bartender eyed him suspiciously, he asked, "Go any nails?"
"No, why?" asked the bewildered bartender.
"Got any gwapes, then?" asked the duck.

A duck walks into a store and walks up to the clerk behind the counter, the clerk says "May I help you?" "Got any gwapes?" says the duck. "No I am sorry." Says the clerk. So the duck leaves and comes back the next day and to the same clerk says "Got any gwapes?" "No!" says the clerk "We still do not have any grapes"So the duck goes home and the next day comes back and once again they do not have grapes! So the clerk in frustration says"Look we do not and will not have any grapes if you come back and ask me again i will staple your mouth shut and staple your feet to the ground!"So the next day the duck comes back and goes to the same clerk and says "Got any staples?" "No." Says the clerk "Good!" Says the duck "Got any gwapes?"