Examins Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A man goes to the doctor and says that he is worried because one of his testicles has turned blue. the doctor examins this and decides the only way to help would be to have the testicle amputated. The man decides to go through with the operation. The next week the man comes back and says his other testicle has turned blue, and once again the doctor recomends that the testicle should be removed. The following week the man comes back again and says his penis has turned blue also. After alot of arguing the man decides that the doctor is right and he should have his penis amputated. The week after the man has had a plastic tube inserted in place of his penis he comes back and says "
    Doc, now I'm really worried. My tube has turned blue"
    The doctor examins this and says to the man "
    I'm sorry sir but I think the problem is the blue dye in your jeans."

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